


Instrument Care is a official seller of Boveda Music products in Europe, where you will find the best products from this renowned brand for instrument care.

At Instrument Care, we trust in the experience and innovation of Boveda. This brand is a leader in the market for humidity control solutions, and their products are specifically designed to protect musical instruments.

boveda's passion

Achieving global leadership in any field takes time and effort. It becomes even more challenging when striving for dominance in a category that didn't exist before. However, Boveda managed to accomplish this feat and has been consistently doing so since 1997. 

We chose to make "Never, ever, ever give up" one of our company values because of its significance right from the beginning of Boveda. 

Today, persistence takes the form of countless two-way humidity control packets being sent annually to safeguard your valuable collectibles, maintain the optimal environment for your cherished musical instruments,

That's quite a tall order for a modest brown package, but Boveda has committed over two decades to safeguarding your deepest passions. 


Everything revolves around science. By combining specific salts with water, a natural mechanism is created to control humidity. Boveda's packaging, which is protected by a patent, enables the emission or absorption of the purest and cleanest water vapor.

Boveda exerts its influence on the surrounding environment. It maintains the contents of a sealed container at an exact relative humidity (RH) level by both adding and absorbing moisture. Fascinating, isn't it? The numerical value displayed on Boveda represents the RH percentage. Each product being stored requires particular RH levels.